Nerang FC (Week 2)

One full week of practice finally under my belt and a 4-3 win against Palm Beach FC.  Very exciting to start our first game of the season on a high wearing the red and blue stripes.  It was not an easy win as the score line changed favor many times throughout the game.  Not until the last 5 minutes of the game when we were able to score a goal off a set piece to put us in the lead was the win starting to become a reality.  I played defensive mid the entire game and managed to assist the first two goals with my head...of course my head, no surprise there.  Although I did pick up my first yellow card of the season as well.  According to the ref I had a "very dangerous tackle" idea what he was talking about, it was a perfectly clean challenge.

One of the perks of being able to play soccer in different countries is the chance to experience different types of training sessions.  In Australia, one of the main themes of a typical session is focusing on getting as many touches on the ball as possible.  As a defensive midfielder, it is important for me to constantly improve my technique and dribbling skills.  If you have ever had the chance to watch me play, then you know I’m the guy who is aggressive, loves a great tackle, and has the mentality to make sure that we win at all costs…which means my technical ability on the ball may be sacrificed a bit.  Basically, I am in the perfect environment to grow as a player.  Here is what a typical two hour training session looks like at Glennon Park.

  1. Started 5v2 for part of the warm-up (10 min)
  2. Get with a partner about 5-10 yards away and begin two touch passing (10 min)
    1. We focused on changing the direction of the ball after each pass
  3. We repeated this with one touch passing, except we got closer and worked on checking too and away from the ball (10 min)
  4. Slow the heart rate down: One touch juggling with your partner (5 pushups if you drop the ball) (2 min)
  5. Ball Fitness: Go on side line with partner: Sprint out to coach with ball at 80 percent speed, (turn around, and then zip it back into your partner, sprint back (sets of 3 min) 
  6. Slow the heart rate down: One touch juggling, don’t drop it for a min (2 min)
  7. Repeat another set of the ball fitness (3 min)
  8. Long range passing drills (immediately after the ball fitness) (10 min)
  9. Possession Drill: 4v4 + 3 neutral players (25 min)
  10. Chelsea drill: A basic shooting and defending drill that consists of 3 lines (25 min)
  11. 10v10 cage game in a 20 yd box (Goal was to focus on dribbling out of pressure) (25 min)
  12. Fitness without the ball (10 min)
Lets just say that as soon as I got home from the two hour practice, I passed out straight away.  I am definitely looking forward to the next 6 months of having the opportunity to take my skill with the ball to the next level while playing here.

Non-Soccer Related

On a side note, I seem to be getting along VERY well with the team dog..Her name is Skizzy and she loves long walks and enjoys chasing kangaroos..Here are some pictures that you might enjoy

*Speaking of kangaroos, I did have a pretty life threatening encounter on Tuesday afternoon.  One popular thing that Australians use are called 5 km running paths.  These roughly 3 mile long paths go through much of the different types of trees and nature preserves.  The scenery is nice and it is definitely calming to run in such a beautiful place.  However, that brings me to my life threatening encounter..yes as you feared, there are wild animals throughout the path.

If you’ve ever had the chance to look up the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world, you will find that 9 out of the top 10 are found right here in Australia. Actually to be more specific, the Gold Coast.  If you haven’t looked up the list, don’t.  You’re better off not knowing. However, I already feel like a more confident central midfielder as I am literally checking my shoulder every step I take..I know my former soccer coach Adam Bruh would be so proud. 

In the video you'll see an example of what a normal 5km running path looks like.  I was out for my normal run Tuesday morning and I had made it about halfway along the path.  Throughout my run, it is very common to see smaller kangaroos and water dragons along the brush of the road.

Here is a picture of a water dragon if you were interested.  They don't look like much, but when they turn and hiss at you...yeah you definitely might pick up your running pace.
 Image result for dragons agamidae in australia

Back to the story.  As I made it past the 3 km mark, I noticed a very large shape next to the side of the path about 50 feet up the road.  Next to it were two baby kangaroos (normally called Joey's).  I thought nothing of it and continued my run.  As I got about 30 feet away, the shape suddenly transformed into what was a 7 foot kangaroo mother standing on its hind legs staring at me.  As I paused my run, the mother hopped across to the other side of the road and returned to her staring gaze at me.  I took my phone out and continued on my run to try and get a close up picture.

*If you believe that last sentence, you are crazy.  As SOON as the mother crossed the path, I immediately turned around and started to sprint at my top speed (not that fast compared to a kangaroo) in the other direction.  At one point, I started to run backwards to make sure I had a clear view of whether or not the mother was chasing after me claws out with a nasty look on her face screaming...I'm not dramatic at all.

As you can imagine, the rest of my run back to the main road was pretty intense.  My mind started to play tricks on me.  At one point, I had convinced myself that I was Mowgli from the Jungle Book running for my life as Shere Kahn (Giant Tiger) would appear from the forest at any second.  Not until I had made it safely back on the main road back with other people did my heart rate slowly start to decline.  

Moral of the story: Don't fall for the irresistible cute features of a kangaroo.  They may seem like your friends.  But they will ALWAYS be predators.

Can't believe its already been two weeks here down under.  Enjoying every second and new experience that comes my way.

Image result for nerang fc

My Verse of the Week: And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.  -2 Corinthians 9:8

Grind.  Believe.  Achieve.


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