The Finale

I know its been a couple weeks since my last blog post, so I'll make sure to update you with all the crazy things that have happened (end of season stats, life threatening camping experiences, etc).  But before I start, I have some good/bad news..

Bad news first: This is officially my last week down under in the most beautiful country in the world.  That means the end of the most amazing and actually bearable winter in the world..back to reality in Chicago..

Good news:  Our season ends August 18th, so I have a flight back home on the 21st, where I will open up the next chapter of my professional soccer career with trials for teams around the U.S.
I have made so many wonderful memories, friends, and have been apart of some of the coolest life experiences.  I couldn't be happier with my time spent here developing myself and using the tools of Nerang FC to help me become a better player and take my next step in my career.

End of Season Stats
With just two games left, we are currently sitting 5th place in the standings.  Unfortunately, only the top four teams advance to playoffs, so we just missed the cutoff.  Really proud of all the guys on the team and all the effort that was put in towards Nerang's first year in the Gold Coast Premier League.  I am confident that the team will continue to grow into one of the best youth and senior teams along the Gold Coast.  

Without counting the next two games, I will be sitting at 4 goals and 9 assists.  Even more interesting (this one is for all of my past coaches), is that not one of my goals was scored with my head! All with my feet.  And don't worry I have video to prove it in case there is any doubt hanging around..πŸ‘

All in all, very pleased with the level of soccer on the Gold Coast and just want to thank every one who has supported me and helped me out during my time here.  Can't wait to see where my future with soccer takes me next!

Here is my ending highlight video! Make sure to give it a watch to see some of my game footage.

Camping Experience

This past weekend, one of my teammates and really good friends Brad Scott decided that it was time for me to have my first Aussie camping experience. Wow. Let me tell you guys, it did not disappoint.  Although, there were quite a few scares throughout the trip.  Brad took me and some of his other friends down to South Stradbroke where we took a boat off of Paradise Point to a private island very popular for camping.  Here are some tips that you might want to write down in case you go camping.  
1. There is no cell service on the island and absolutely no food venue, vending machine, snack place, etc.
That meant no jimmy john deliveries, access to uber eats, and no phone service to talk to anyone...I know pretty crazy right? First off and most importantly, I had to go an entire weekend relying on a man made fire to supply me my food. Let me tell you how much I actually appreciate the microwave and oven.  It was quite fun for everyone to watch me attempt to cook food for my first time using a fire..  Oh wait did I not mention that they didn't tell me we had a PORTABLE BBQ with us? Hmm must have forgot to say that they didn't bring it out until AFTER I attempted to cook my food the first night.  I have to give it to the guys though..they definitely got me on that one.

2. There are some extremely freaky and unknown animals species in this world.  If it weren't for my tent, I surely would not be around right now.  I heard some of the strangest sounds, screams, and rustling outside my tent.  To be honest, I kind of felt like I was a survivor of Jurassic World.  You better believe I never poked my head out of the tent until I was sure it was light outside.  Don't believe me? Well here are some of the crazy animals that live in South Stradbroke:

Aussie Goannas: Known for their extreme speed and vicious claws

Image result for goana

Koala Bears: Best known for their "cute" look.  Used to lure tourists in with their cute face before delivery a very gruesome death.
Image result for koala bears

The Kangaroo: Honestly, not even going to go into detail about this animal.  If you've read my other blogs then you already know how my past adventures have gone with them..
 Image result for kangaroo

Next to camping, I made so many other great memories so I thought I'd post some of the videos down below.  Enjoy!

Our first run through of trying to mimic Dude Perfect's youtube video.  "You forgot your keys"

Attempting to start the tinny for the first time even though none of us really knew what we were doing

The crazy song we sing after we win a game that I still/will never know the words tooπŸ˜‚

Fun family dinners where Andrew decides if he likes the meal based off of how healthy it looks.  Heres the scale by the way: Healthy=Bad dinner

The typical surfing day at Burleigh Heads Beach

I still have nightmares about this day...


Overall, I have absolutely fallen in love with Australia.  The soccer, beaches, people, and not to mention the food, are amazing.  I don't know what my future has in store with me in terms of soccer, but Australia will be a door I plan on leaving open.

Huge shout out to Andrew and Jenny Opie as they had to put up with me for the past 5 months as I basically took over their house.  Definitely going to miss stealing Andrew's chocolate at night, beating Andrew in different card games, and actually just anything to do that involved giving Andrew a hard time haha.  On a serious note, I can't thank them enough for everything they have done for time in Australia would not have been the same.

As I journey back to the U.S. next week, I am excited to come back healthy, fit, and am confident that my development over here will be the key to helping me take my next step higher in the soccer world.

(oh, and my Aussie and U.S. moms have insisted that I keep my blogging up..and we all know the last thing you want to do is disappoint your mother, so I've decided to continue to blog as I come home and begin my next phase.  Excited to see everyone next week, and heres for one more week as an Aussie...G'day mate!

Verse of the Week: Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
                                                            -2 Corinthians  7:1

Grind.  Believe.  Achieve.


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