Great Barrier Reef (Week 6)
A bit late for last weeks post, but I definitely think its worth the wait. Here's the phrase that I've basically adopted into my lifestyle for the next four months that I am here:
I'm so thankful not because I was able to see the Great Barrier Reef in person, but because my sister was smart enough to bring an underwater camera that captured every moment. I've been known to forget pretty amazing things, so the pictures give me a solid reminder of one of the most memorable days of my life. What a weekend!
Every new adventure will get me closer to never coming home.
Here's the excuse for this week: The Great Barrier Reef
Growing up, I've always enjoyed going on snorkeling trips with my family. I've been lucky enough to snorkel at many cool places around the world, but nothing compared to this past weekend.
As if it couldn't get better from a surprise visit from my sister, we decided to journey up to Cairns and hit one of the seven wonders of the world, The Great Barrier Reef. Unlike most reefs, this reef is actually the largest living structure in the world. Not only is it home to the largest coral reef, but its deep blue waters home over a 1500 different types of fish, thirty species of whales, dolphins, and sharks, and six different types of turtles. We ended up traveling on a boat called the Poseidon that took us to three different snorkel sites along the reef.
Since my sister is the one who is super smart with everything that goes on in the ocean, it is safe to assume that I have absolutely ZERO idea what most of the pictures are that we took. If you were to ask her, she could name every type of coral, fish, and floating object underneath the water..I felt like she was the tour guide and I was the local tourist.
In all honesty though, some of these pictures are breathtaking, so I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to see it in person. Here are some of the pictures and videos that we were able to
take (Any comment or reference next to a picture is taken straight from my sister, so don't worry I'm not making anything up):
A blue "sea star", also known as a starfish. Did you know that they have no brain and no blood? Yeah me don't ask me why she knows that..
Here's an overview of the Agincourt Reef, our first site for the day. Located at the edge of the Great Barrier Reef, it is home to some of the most vibrant colored fish and sea coral
Yes. I found Nemo. Actually, we found an entire family of clownfish living within a sea anemone. Definitely felt a bit of my childhood coming to life which was pretty cool👍
This next video is actually one of the better views of some of the colors that make up the Great Barrier Reef. At one moment, you can be looking at a cloudy sky with waves stretching off in every direction. But as soon as you put your head under the water, you become part of a whole new world, one that you don't want to leave.
Thought I'd save my favorite video for last. The video says it all. It was beyond incredible to get that close to a Green Sea Turtle without it getting scared too quickly. And yes, I named him Crush. No reference to Finding Nemo whatsoever..
Looking forward to another great week and a massive game this weekend against 1st place Gold Coast Knights!
Verse of the Week: For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. -2 Corinthians 1:5
Grind. Believe. Achieve.
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