Brisbane City (Week 1)
The Grind: Jumping off the plane after a 27 hour flight and onto the field for a 90 minute game...
I didn't mind too much though when I realized that we got to play on this beautiful grass cut pitch👍
We played a pre-season game against an NPL team called Brisbane Lions FC. Originally the plan was for me to just warm-up with the team to get the blood flowing in my legs. However, 15 minutes into the game, after a bit of frustration and our coaches realization of how much I hate sitting on the bench, I found myself playing the next 75 minutes of the game...
Was it worth it? Absolutely.
How did I feel after the game? Well according to the coach, Sam, I should plan on "faffing around all day tomorrow and make a trip to the bottle-o because I won't be able to feel my bloody legs"
Translation: I should plan on doing absolutely nothing, make a trip to the liquor store to calm my body down because I won't be able to feel my legs..I'd say he was pretty accurate.
After my first encounter of a true Australian conversation, I decide to keep a running list of some of my favorite slang terms that I have already added to my vocabulary:
"Go on take a spell"- Come take a sub
"Es brilliant"- Well done
"Ya ****** wanker"- It's an insult..enough said.
"Wanna go out for a coffee or tea"- One of the largest used phrases here.
"It's a mozzy"- Refers to a mosquito
"That's a good shout"- That's a great idea/play
"You've lost your head"- You've lost control of yourself
Out of all those phrases, I found that my own American vocabulary soon became my greatest nightmare as I realized the number one common mistake to make in Australia: There is no such thing as ketchup, it is called tomato sauce...
Yes, I got made fun of by a U-9 boys teams who simply could not grasp the way I talked..well right back at you guys.
My first professional game in Australia truly was amazing except for the fact that jet lag has quickly become a reality for me. Since Australia is a 14+ hour difference, my body clock is still struggling to get used to the new time zone. Luckily, the season doesn't start until next week so I have some time to get my body acclimated. Looking forward to continuing my journey!
Next stop, Gold Coast!
My verse of the Week: "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." -Deuteronomy 31:8
We played a pre-season game against an NPL team called Brisbane Lions FC. Originally the plan was for me to just warm-up with the team to get the blood flowing in my legs. However, 15 minutes into the game, after a bit of frustration and our coaches realization of how much I hate sitting on the bench, I found myself playing the next 75 minutes of the game...
Was it worth it? Absolutely.
How did I feel after the game? Well according to the coach, Sam, I should plan on "faffing around all day tomorrow and make a trip to the bottle-o because I won't be able to feel my bloody legs"
Translation: I should plan on doing absolutely nothing, make a trip to the liquor store to calm my body down because I won't be able to feel my legs..I'd say he was pretty accurate.
After my first encounter of a true Australian conversation, I decide to keep a running list of some of my favorite slang terms that I have already added to my vocabulary:
"Go on take a spell"- Come take a sub
"Es brilliant"- Well done
"Ya ****** wanker"- It's an insult..enough said.
"Wanna go out for a coffee or tea"- One of the largest used phrases here.
"It's a mozzy"- Refers to a mosquito
"That's a good shout"- That's a great idea/play
"You've lost your head"- You've lost control of yourself
Out of all those phrases, I found that my own American vocabulary soon became my greatest nightmare as I realized the number one common mistake to make in Australia: There is no such thing as ketchup, it is called tomato sauce...
Yes, I got made fun of by a U-9 boys teams who simply could not grasp the way I talked..well right back at you guys.
My first professional game in Australia truly was amazing except for the fact that jet lag has quickly become a reality for me. Since Australia is a 14+ hour difference, my body clock is still struggling to get used to the new time zone. Luckily, the season doesn't start until next week so I have some time to get my body acclimated. Looking forward to continuing my journey!
Next stop, Gold Coast!
My verse of the Week: "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." -Deuteronomy 31:8
Grind. Believe. Achieve.
So jealous!! Congrats on your first pro game!