
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Finale

I know its been a couple weeks since my last blog post, so I'll make sure to update you with all the crazy things that have happened (end of season stats, life threatening camping experiences, etc).  But before I start, I have some good/bad news.. Bad news first: This is officially my last week down under in the most beautiful country in the world.  That means the end of the most amazing and actually bearable winter in the world..back to reality in Chicago.. Good news:  Our season ends August 18th, so I have a flight back home on the 21st, where I will open up the next chapter of my professional soccer career with trials for teams around the U.S. I have made so many wonderful memories, friends, and have been apart of some of the coolest life experiences.  I couldn't be happier with my time spent here developing myself and using the tools of Nerang FC to help me become a better player and take my next step in my career. End of Season Stats With just two ga...